Meet The Local Artist Inspiring Connection in the Community

by TheSpot
Vine Designs Art

Many of us possess cherished mementos, particularly those related to our children and pets. In the current digital age, we accumulate tens of thousands of photographs on our devices, yet we seldom revisit them. As we scroll through our electronic galleries, we may pause to appreciate one or two of our favorite images. However, aside from downloading these photos, what meaningful actions do we take? We tend to retain them until they eventually transition to the cloud. Imagine if we introduced you to a local artist who specializes in creating paintings of your beloved pets or capturing scenes and landscapes that hold special significance for you. Meet Ivy Egger, the local artist inspiring connection in the community.

Local Artist
Pet Portrait

Ivy Egger, an artist based in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, specializes in glass art and operates her own studio, Vine Designs Art. Although Ivy has quite a few specialties in the world of art, nature serves as her primary source of inspiration. Additionally, Ivy fulfills special requests, which have proven to be one of her most fulfilling skills. Among her most sought-after commissions are artistic representations of clients’ pets.  When inquired about her journey as an artist, Ivy shared that her fascination with art began in her childhood. She nurtured this interest by enrolling in art classes during high school and subsequently majoring in art in college.

Ivy took a hiatus from her artistic career following the birth of her son. However, during the pandemic, she reignited her passion for art by enrolling in a mosaic class. She noted that despite her extensive experience as an artist, this was her first encounter with this specific craft.  As Ivy delved into this new medium, her creativity began to flourish in various directions. For instance, she started designing jewelry that incorporates mosaic elements made from resin. When we inquired how nature specifically serves as an inspiration for her artwork, Ivy shared that she is particularly moved by the beauty of flowers and waterfalls during her creative process. Among these, she identified sunflowers as her favorite subject, explaining that their tall stature and vibrant colors resonate deeply with her.

Art is inherently subjective in numerous respects. We sought to understand the type of satisfaction Ivy derives when a client receives their commissioned artwork. Ivy asserts that there is no greater appreciation than witnessing the expression in a client’s eyes. She ensures that her clients are informed about the progress of their pieces; however, the moment they view her work in person elicits an indescribable reaction that fills Ivy with immense pride.

Local Artist Ivy Egger At Work

Ivy took part in a prominent art exhibition known as the Chester County Tour, which occurs annually in May.  She was fortunate to be involved for two consecutive years. Between her studio and exhibit shows, Ivy is more active than ever before.  In fact, she was recently profiled on 6ABC about her work and life.

The life of an artist can be rewarding and challenging at the same time.  Ivy has had to navigate through a few in her own life. Despite any obstacles, we were curious to inquire that if she were to give advice to upcoming creatives, what would that be? Ivy emphasized the importance of selecting a medium that allows for skill development, stating that “marketing is everything.” Now that’s advice that we can all abide by.  More information can be found here